We’ve made it! The year is finally over. Rather than looking back over what has been an incredibly hard year for everyone, let us look forward to a brighter 2021. What better way to start the year on the right note than by setting positive intentions? These are not resolutions, just small healthy habits that you can take into the New Year to start you out on the right foot.
5 Healthy Habits For 2021
Get Outside
Since many of us spent more time than ever outside in 2020 due to closures and restrictions on indoor gatherings, why not carry over the habit of lunchtime walks and social strolls into the New Year? The Nordic lifestyle concept of friluftsliv, which translates to ‘free-air-living’, encourages spending time outdoors for positive effects on mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. So, keep taking that lunchtime walk.
You Are What You…Drink
As well as ensuring you’re eating plenty of fresh, seasonal foods (check out my book Eat Beautiful for inspiration), you should also be drinking plenty of water. Keep water on your bedside table and start the day with a full glass and swap your morning coffee for a green tea, which is rich in antioxidants and great for both health and great skin. Alkaline is also a great health-boosting addition to your drinks line-up, with anti-ageing, immune-supporting and hydrating properties. I love Actiph Water, which is super easy to drink and tastes a little sweet.
Return To Cooking
Last year was the year of the takeaway for many, with so many of us having to stay home but still wanting a treat at mealtimes. It’s easy to get into the habit of ordering in or grabbing something quick but for the healthiest diet, you’re better off planning your meals ahead and ordering all your ingredients at once, prepping as much in advance as possible. Use my book Eat Beautiful to help you to start eating better while avoiding strict diets.
Prioritise Sleep
It can be easy to put working on your diet, fitness, work and relationships above your sleep, in terms of priority. But a good night’s sleep is absolutely key in keeping you healthy and giving your body time to rest and recover. Not to mention keeping your skin looking at its best! So, invest time working on your sleep health and routine – work out the best bedtime and stick to it, have a regular pre-bed ritual and turn your phone off before hitting the sack. I also love the One Ocean Beauty Blue Light Protection and Hydration Mist, which helps to protect your skin from blue lights that you’re overexposed to during the day. Read more sleep tips here and check out my guide to foods that can help improve your sleep.
Manifest Your Best You
Manifesting is a big wellness trend, and while it seems a bit ‘out there’ for some people, it’s really just about setting intentions for what you want to work on and achieve to help yourself be more focused. By setting out goals for yourself and aiming for them with a positive, can-do attitude, you’ll be surprised at where you can get to. Try journaling to give yourself space to explore your thoughts and ideas. If you’re really ready to commit to manifesting, try a 10-week manifesting meditations course that you can do when you go to bed and fall asleep to, allowing the subconscious mind to take it all in. Find out more at believeinstars.com.
READ NEXT: 3 Healthy Breakfast Ideas | Expert Healthy Eating Advice
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