You’re either a morning person, or you’re not. Alessandra Steinherr, legendary beauty director (and friend) is, it turns out! When we sat down together to film a YouTube video, she picked an ice breaker question about her most productive time of day, and I was so interested to hear about her morning routine. You can hear her give her full run-down in the video, below, but here’s a sneak peek into what an average morning in the life of the beauty guru looks like.
Alessandra Steinherr: Morning Routine
‘I get up at 5.30am every day even if I’ve gone to bed late. I’m a total morning person. I do a lot of my work in the morning, and I live most of my life in the morning.’
‘Then I drink two glasses of water with apple cider vinegar. I have a shower, then I make a coffee or a tea.’
‘I read for 30 mins – it will be a novel, a biography, a historical book or a self-empowerment book. I spend so much time online that I need this quiet time in the morning to read a physical book. I need it for my brain to feel like I’m doing something for me.’
‘I then (try to) go to the gym!
Then I’ll start working – I’ll start off with email before getting ready for the day. I need this routine for my brain and my wellbeing.’
And if you’re wondering how she gets the energy for all those early mornings? Early nights, of course! ‘I have to go to bed at 10pm as often as possible. When I have an evening event I’m good at leaving early or on time.’
Watch Alessandra’s Ice Break video, below.
WATCH NEXT: Alessandra Steinherr: What’s In Her Makeup Bag? | Unboxing with Alessandra
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