I would never advocate that we all spend our time trying to look younger, but equally I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using makeup tricks to look younger, either! Using radiant products to create a youthful glow or concealing dark circles or discolouration can instantly brighten your complexion and make you feel more confident. My guest on this week’s YouTube video, Anna-Marie Solowij, is a beauty industry journalist, expert and founder of BeautyMart who knows everything there is to know about what’s happening in the beauty world. She’s taught me so much over the years about what’s happening and how the latest skincare science works, so I always jump at the chance to teach her something. Watch my video to see how to create a gorgeous, youthful everyday look as I teach you how to look 10 years younger with makeup!

Top Tips to Look Younger Using Makeup
- As we get older, our eyelashes thin out, so use a small cluster of individual lashes at the edge of the eye to create the illusion of thicker lashes. Apply several coats of mascara over the top to bond the lashes and make the whole row look for voluminous.
- Using an eyeshadow contour in the eye socket will add just a hint of colour and shape.
- A tinted moisturiser gives a more radiant base than a foundation.
- Use a highlighting concealer on any points that dip down in the face, as these cause shadows. Apply the concealer to brighten these up. Concentrate on making anything around the mouth and eye area appear flat.
- Sculpt the face using a contour stick just under the cheekbones. You should also contour under the jawline to make this area appear super sharp.
- Do not overload foundation, because older skin will show colour up easily. Use sparingly and stick to moisturising product.
- Brows thin as we get older, so create fuller brows without making them look blocky.
- Opt for a lip colour one shade lighter than your natural lip colour and opt for a hydrating formula to prevent dryness.
- Use a beige eyeliner in the waterline to make your eyes look wider and brighter.

Check out my video below to see which products I used on Anna-Marie, and to check out the finished look.
WATCH NEXT: Eye Makeup For Mature Skin | How I Met Anna-Marie | How to Get Perfect Red Lips
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